twenty years ago I served as chair of the Professional Development Committee
for the Virginia Association of Independent Schools. The committee’s primary job was putting
together the program for the annual VAIS Professional Day Conference, and one year
during my term we brought Alfie Kohn to the conference as keynote speaker.
is one of the original “edutainers” who has made a career of writing and
lecturing about education without actually working in a school. His keynote address was a critique of grades
and other external rewards, and it produced widely varying reviews. A number of teachers found his presentation
refreshing and inspirational, the best keynote in years. Others gave it the
lowest rating possible on conference evaluations, and some even commented that
VAIS should take his message to heart and show its opposition to rewards by
refusing to pay him.
considered the strong sentiments a sign of success. The job of a keynote speaker is to provoke
thinking, and people were clearly provoked.
being provocative is also the job of an op-ed writer, then Suzy Lee Weiss is
wise (or Weiss) beyond her years. Weiss is the Pittsburgh high school senior
who wrote an op-ed for the March 30 edition of the Wall Street Journal titled,
“To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me.”
In the article, which she characterized as a satire during a Today Show
appearance, Weiss argued that selective colleges lie to prospective students
when they tell them to “be yourself.”
article drew widespread attention and criticism. Many were offended by the tone of the piece,
finding her references to diversity mean-spirited and insensitive. I was surprised by the visceral reaction to
the piece among a number of colleagues on both sides of the desk who are sick
and tired of media coverage of the college admissions process that focuses
almost entirely on students who don’t get into the Ivies and, like Groucho
Marx, don’t want to be a member of any club (or college) that would have
students like them. There were also responses from current students at Ivy
League schools suggesting that clearly she must not have had the sterling
qualifications that students admitted to those schools obviously possess.
wasn’t offended by the article. I
thought Weiss failed the first rule of satire—if you use humor or satire, make
sure it’s funny—but I have been guilty of the same offense too many times. I also don’t feel sorry for her (she is
apparently attending Michigan). But I think the piece touches on interesting questions
about the current state of college admission, the messages we send to students
and parents, and the changing nature of the work we do.
and foremost is the question she indirectly poses. Do we mislead or do a disservice to kids when
we tell them to “be yourself,” as if “be someone else” is an option?
begs larger questions. Is the college search process a journey of
self-discovery or about obtaining membership in a club with a secret handshake?
Should college be a product of who you are and what you’ve accomplished or a
be-all, end-all goal? Which is more important, the name on the diploma or the
college experience itself? As Eric Hoover observes in his article about College
Confidential in today’s Chronicle of Higher Education, the article of faith
underlying that site is that your life is defined by where you go to college. I
wish media coverage of college admissions didn’t accept that premise so uncritically.
counseling is a tightrope walk fraught with danger. It is my job to support my students in
pursuing their dreams and at the same time ensure that they are grounded in
reality, and the changing admissions landscape makes that hard. I don’t know Ms. Weiss’s credentials, but I feel
her pain. This year I had five or six
seniors with stellar grades and course loads, SAT scores around 1500, and the
kind of character and leadership qualities that schools like mine hope to
produce. All would have Ivy League
admits 10-15 years, but none got in. All
have good college options, so I don’t feel sorry for them, but I share their
remember talking to Fred Hargadon shortly before his retirement as Dean of
Admissions at Princeton. “Anyone who
thinks we’re doing anything other than splitting hairs has no idea,” he
lamented. He talked about spending three
hours in committee deliberating over 50 applications, ultimately admitting five,
then the next morning not being able to remember why they picked those five.
far worse today in the age of 30000 applications and 5-6% acceptance
rates. Colleges and universities don’t
add staff to match the increase in apps, reading time is decreased, and
holistic review may become “half-istic.”
In such a climate, are certain kinds of applicants advantaged and others
week at a professional conference, I had a conversation with a colleague about
Susan Cain’s book, Quiet. The book makes an argument that introverts
are underappreciated in our culture, but have important intellectual and
leadership strengths. My colleague
wondered if introverted kids who are hesitant to blow their own horns are at a
disadvantage in the selective college admissions process. The corollary is whether the process rewards
kids who are savvy about packaging themselves.
does one maintain sanity and a sense of purpose as college counseling becomes
more complex and challenging? My answer is the same one Suzy Lee Weiss finds
wanting—“Be Yourself.” Our work should
be a reflection of who we are and what we believe. So while it makes me feel on far too many
days that I am a dinosaur, I will continue to preach that the college search
journey is more important than the destination, that the search and application
processes should measure a student’s readiness for college itself, and that
what one does in college is more important than where one goes.
P.S. My cynical, tongue-firmly-in-cheek self
wonders—Now that Suzy Lee Weiss has been published in the Wall Street Journal
and interviewed on the Today Show, should she appeal her denials on the grounds
that she has new information to add to her file?